Why should you join Avon? Avon’s the company for you! Join now for $0. Here are a few other reasons.

  • Receive discounts on all your favorite beauty products.
  • Get discounts on electronics.
  • Your personal online store for selling Avon nationwide.
  • Earn up to 25% cash discounts.
  • Exclusive representative magazine with fabulous discounts.
  • Free delivery and returns on regular orders.

The starting cost to join Avon is very low. The signup process is fast and simple. Here’s my link for you to apply now. You will need to give your name, address, contact info, and language. Just click I’m In to get started with the short form. If you need help signing up, just message me. Here’s my phone # 502-419-1868. I am an Avon Representative and love helping you get started.

Start Online Training

Avon offers full training online for new reps. There’s continued training for experienced reps. Each rep has a personalized website.

Check out the product lines. There are 6000 different items for sale with Avon. Use your website to sell Avon to customers. They may not be near geographically. Send your line to those in another state. Some reps sell online only.

Spread The Word

Let everybody know that you are selling Avon. Give brochures to friends, family, co-workers, and people at church, gym, grocery store, or anywhere you frequent regularly.

Ask a local business to leave brochures. Attach a business card.

Utilize social media on websites, Facebook and Twitter. Let them know you are selling products you love. Try setting up a party to help you get started with Avon products.

Recruit New Reps

Avon leadership involves recruiting and mentoring new sales reps. There are bonuses and income if new recruits make sales goals. To recruit new reps, there are certain sales goals to become qualified as an official leader.

You can “Build a team with referrals”.