You may be wondering where to buy Korean Red Ginseng around Louisville. Now depending on your location, you can find Korean Red Ginseng in various products. It’s not necessary to travel the world just now. What is the Korean Red Ginseng?

  • Dietary supplements
  • Healthy Food ingredients
  • Beauty products

Although natural energy boosts medicinal herb, Korean Red Ginseng is so expensive.

  • Korean Red Ginseng’s not actually red.
  • Raw ginseng’s usually white. and made red from the processing method.
  • The steaming and drying raw ginseng increases the saponin level.
  • Chemical compounds found in various plants, herb, and seeds.
  • Controls the immune system and cholesterol level by antibacterial properties.
  • It helps prevent stress, tumor growth, and obesity.
320 Years Ago Since Red Ginseng Discovered

The History of Red Ginseng

The history of Red Ginseng traces way back to the late 1700″s. . The primary source of ginseng was Red Ginseng.

  • 1908- freshly harvested ginseng roots washed with clear water. And classified by respective sizes.
  • Fresh ginseng roots in a large basked ready for the steaming place.
  • Baskets sealed in clayware steamer. And steam for 90 minutes.
  • The roots dry in a drying room with natural sunlight for 5 days.
  • A transparent material the color of cherry blossoms now called red ginseng.
  • The government owns the production and market of red ginseng.
  • 1996 -brought the current standards of producing red ginseng.
  • Produced in the industrial size.

The fresh ginseng grows for at least 6 years. It’s selected by size, shape, and shaken off the dirt. That’s washed by spraying water to remove foreign matter. It steams at 98 Celsius for 1-3 hours. Then the ginseng’s taken to mechanical drying room at 55 Celcius. Once the roots become red, they are carefully packaged and sealed. from oxygen. They store up to 10 years.

From an evaluation of Red Ginseng in 2015, Korean Red ginseng can be given to females with menopause symptoms. It’s a popular stamina food according to a study from Brazil in 2007. For males with erectile dysfunction served as an effective alternative. Blood Flow Improvement from a study in 2013 with blood flow and red ginseng said that the human body temperature decreased safely. That improved blood circulation.

Glucose Level Control came from Canada in 2008. Within 12 weeks of supplementation of Korean Red Ginseng treatment, glycemic control was good. Weight Loss and Exercise Performance, red ginseng’s highly recommended for weight loss. Exercise performances increase. Visit my Avon e-store for more details.on where to purchase Korean Red Ginseng.

Re:Tune Gold Korean Red Ginseng Royal Collection