The loss of your father is very complex. Here are a few tips to navigate it.

  • Verify your feelings
  • Fully experience it.
  • Care for yourself.
  • Share memories.
  • Honor their memory.
  • Forgive them.
  • Accept help.
  • Embrace family.

Have you thought about how long grief lasts? The answer is that grief lasts between 6 months and 4 years. A study found that intense grief-related feelings peaked about 4-6 months. There’s a gradual decline over the next two years. The loss of your father is very complex.

For most people, grief is a long process. It can take years. After two years, you know the places, events, and occasions that trigger your emotions. You will start to learn what helps you to cope with them.

Death of Elderly Love

I am in the range of a very high percentage of 88% who have lost one or both parents. That’s for those reaching the age of 64 and beyond. I did not know that my dad was sick. He had been visiting doctors’ offices for many years. It does seem like the Baptist hospital was very caring for my dad. They brought him through much turmoil. He came out excellent at home.

Now returning to the doctor’s office, it did seem ridiculous the way things were. They did not have a regular doctor. Nurse practitioners were there for health care. They were “black” market listed. They are very busy people. In the eighty’s or any given time, you might encounter a negative situation with your health care.

Medical doctors do not want to reason, suggest or be logical in life to support seniors these days. They hand out drugs like candy and mumble away medical jargon. I feel sorry for my folks and how they believed that these doctors could save their life.

I was with my dad at the hospital. He needed me.

Getting Lonely Without Dad

Sitting with dad, we were not actually correct about what was happening. We reach trauma with forms, visions, or sounds that projected our self. These were intensely fearful and stressful moments together. My tears felt frozen in my eyes. Today is 9 months August 2 . I miss my dad. I know he’s with our heavenly Father.

Find on our hearts that truth in thinking about eternity. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says “God has put eternity in man’s heart”. We trust God. We met Jesus Christ in the pages of the Bible. He is worthy of our trust. He told us many things. Encouraged us and free us from the emptiness of evolution creeds, the fear of death.

Death became real into the reality of heaven. Look to Christ as refuge and salvation. The great mystery of the realm is forbidden. There was the Death Anniversary for Dad. So Peace and accept that dad is gone. I still miss him like crazy.

A Symbol of Great Love