what’s new with the SPF beauty buzz? The buzz is about UVA. Proven to cause the most long-lasting damage to the skin health. These rays are the culprits behind premature wrinkles. Also, dark spots, uneven complexion sagging, and skin cancer can occur. Most products focus on SPF or Sun Protection Factor.

SPF measure only UVB levels or the rays that cause sunburn. If you have aging concerns, learn about UVB and UVA protection. Broad-spectrum sunscreen protects against UVB and UVA. There are no standard guidelines in North America.

Guard your skin against harmful UV rays with SPF protection. In the world of Avon, SPF is your BFF. Follow up your fun in the sun with soothing aloe. Protect your skin.

What SPF Best For Face

Sun damage causes uneven skin tones. Daily sun cream prevents these effects. Sunscreen protects your skin against the sun’s broad spectrum of harmful UV rays. Wear it every day as part of the skincare routine. Without it, you expose sensitive skin of your face to damage from sun exposure.

We all want youthful, radiant, and healthy skin. Overexposure to sunlight increase fine lines and wrinkles. Use it to protect from the harm of premature aging or skin aging.

Reduce the risk of cancer. Sunscreen is good to reduce skin cancer, melanoma. Bad for women in their 20’s this can be life-threatening. Apply daily for cumulative protection in the days and months.

Hydrate With Hyaluronic Acid, Ceramides

Use sunscreen for healthy skin overall. It protects proteins in the skin like keratin. They keep the skin smooth, and healthy appearance.

The type of product used depends o the time out in the sun. Here are a few Avon’s products that are best for daily use, not a day at the beach.

Top Picks From Avon

SPF 30- Takes 30 times longer to burn if not wearing. It allows 3 percent of UVB rays to hit the skin. An SPF 50 allows 2 percent of those rays. UV damage defeats the purpose. After a long day in the sun, the SPF beauty buzz notes you feel the burn. Treat the skin with formulas from the Korean Island of Jeju. The natural wonder of aloe is the best treatment for sunburn.