Everything you can imagine’s real
Have you ever ask what is a beautiful life? A beautiful life ‘s when everything seems perfect and makes you happy. I want to schedule a beautiful life, my precious gift. Life’s short, and still, there’s beauty. It’s a beautiful life if we limit expectations and the love we have for the materialistic world.
Schedule a beautiful life by using the white space ( the wide-open places in our day that give clarity, rest, creativity and soul restoration). Here we can cultivate our schedules. We can cultivate our circumstances and recognize that minimalism of life has fewer possessions, but it’s really a life of abundance. Once things are gone, you can explore what happens to the soul.

Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and stage designer. He was a great and influential artist of the 20th century. His style of artwork was called Analytic cubism (1909-1912) He developed his style with Georges Braque using monochrome brownish and neutral colors. He had a deep love for women. His relationships with women were not easy. He only loved them, and in some cases was abusive.
Leading on to a to Life is Beautiful a music & art festival An annual music, culinary, art and learning festival held in Downtown Las Vegas, Nevada from Sept18-Sept20 2020. Watch performances by your favorite musicians from genres of Hip hop music, Indie rock, Experimental rock, Electronic dance music, alternative music, and pop music. Schedule a beautiful life with music, music, music
Here’s a list of 7 most beautiful things in life.
Music has creative arts that stop depression and end the struggle. A soundtrack of life, a truly beautiful thing for chords and choirs.
Being In Love‘s the most important thing in the world. Amazing with no explanation for your beautiful friend. It hurts with beautiful pain ever experienced, and no pain feels lucky.
Sunsets are truly beautiful. Their beauty no words can describe. Hey, Mom yells out to everybody with a love feeling for the beautiful sunset.
Sky‘s pretty relaxing. People should lay down and watch the sky, not worry so much. Life’s simple, and you can stare long hours at that sky beauty.
Laughter’s the best medicine Laughter makes humans feel amazing
Kisses to someone you love and being kissed by someone who loves you’s the best feeling. Being kissed at times when you are physically or mentally unwell makes you feel much better.
Having Family And Best Friends there to help you through the hard times. They will always be on your side. They will be there rain or sun.

Make Your Life More Beautiful
Wake up when you say you’re going to wake up. Make a promise to get up at that time, and keep it.
Have a clean morning routine, and rise to the occasion with your clothes. Get mentally ready for what you have to do that day.
A moment of mindfulness through meditation best done in the morning for 5-10- minutes after a shower. Listen to where you are will help you understand if you are in a good place or frustrated, stressed or excited. How’s the best approach for the day for yourself.
Regular Meals that are already prepared and ready to go. Plan ahead to stay healthy.
The Little Moments with technology filling times periods with social media on our phones, watching videos on YouTube. Replace these spaces to learn a foreign language, money, and finance, I books. Use the moments to learn not just consuming.
Free Time means time spent on nothing. Go for a walk in the park. Go meet friends for coffee. Go play cards, call your grandma or watch an entire movie. A scheduled habit of free time will help you rest your brain and return to work later more enthusiastic.
Manage Your Money that creates stress and anxiety. Misunderstanding how to manage money, learn the basics of taxes, stocks, investing and saving. Learn to master money.
Meet someone new for inspiration. Send an email to a blog you read. Reach out to more people, and the more valuable you will become in your network. You aren’t alone, it just takes time.
Indulge and Explore for pleasure. These little moments are easy to ignore, but the moments you remember the most. They are for happier emotions, live deeply and create something of true emotional value in your life.
Journal Before Bed by writing about what you learned in a day, what you hope to do the next day, poems, songs, things bothering you or things that you can change. Remember to write from the heart and that life’s just a story. As the main character, for tomorrow to be different than play the part.
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