Gunman In Mass Shooting In Louisville

What are the sands of time? The image of the sand in the hourglass is a metaphor for the limited duration of life. Also how the world changes as a whole.

What does God say about you? The answer here is Psalms 139: 17-18. God’s thoughts toward us outnumber the grains of sand. God sees us with the eyes of love. God is love. He sees the best because we are HIS children.

A big mistake for the shooter who created his own certain death from the sands of time.

Mass Shooting at the Old National Bank

A mass shooting began around 8:30 am on Easter Monday. It happened during a morning employee meeting in person and virtually. A manager of the bank watched her coworkers gunned down.

Officers go to the bank within three minutes of dispatch. The shooter was still firing out the glass windows of the bank. The police killed the guy as soon as they could.

Our Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg thanked them as “brave and heroic”. Their first responder actions “saved lives.”

Creation of the Sands of Time

Kaileena from mythology created the sands of time. A byproduct of the Gods was the creation of time itself. She was killed by the guardian of the timeline, Dahaka. Without her death, the sands of time would not exist.

Close Friends to Governor Andy Beshear

5 dead and 8 injured in reports to the police. Here’s the list of the people who died that morning and later on.

  • Joshua Barrick, 40
  • Juliana Farmer, 45
  • Tommy Elliott, 63
  • James Tutt, 64
  • Deana Eckert, 57

The 26-year-old police officer just graduated from the police academy 10 days ago. He was shot in the head. Here’s a painting of rocks in the water. My thoughts and prayers to the families of those lost to this mass shooting. The AR-15-style weapons are weapons of choice in the 145 mass shootings in the US this year, 2023.

Connor Sturgeon worked at the bank. He told his parents and friend he wants to open fire there. Wow, that’s horrible Read here about the Louisville shooting.

Flea Market was to be a scene of gun violence this year.