
New Fragrance Studio 1886

“Be inspired by the past, embrace the present, and look to the future” with the new fragrance Studio 1886. The...

Product Priorities

Avon Campaign 26 The product priorities for Avon Campaign 26 are listed in special bundles. It’s a good way to...

Death Anniversary for Dad

Death anniversary for dad just started today with 2 months. Today’s I feel so sad and filled with grief. Learning...

True Herbal Cosmetic belif

The Truth For Your Skin True herbal cosmetic belif,is must-have moisturizing skincare. It creates a healthy glow for the cold...

LG Closes Deal On New Avon

LG closes deal on New Avon. They bought Avon on September 30, 2019. Under LG H&H ownership, Avon North America...

Death Brings Worst In Family

Death brings the worst in the family. Losing a loved one is difficult to deal with. Coping with grief in...