You can make more money only with Avon Fundraising. Meet with an organization’s community outreach. Be ready to make a pitch.

Schedule the date. Be ready with a professionally printed fundraising book. Make sure to have an excellent first impression. Here are the questions.

  • What is the objective?
  • What do they want to raise for?
  • How much do they want to raise?
  • What is the time frame/ duration?
  • Do they have a logo to use?- If they share the logo, get permission in writing.
  • Percentage to donate?
  • Online fundraiser or printed flyer?

Fundraising with Avon is flexible. Who pays for extra costs? That’s printed flyers for online fundraising. Get the sales tax exemption. Shipping rates apply for the online fundraiser. They are not exempt from tax.

At the close of the meeting. you need a signed agreement if the person wants to move forward with the Avon fundraiser.

Avon’s well known for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. There are certain products sold to donate a 15% discount on in the brochure.

Manage Business with Avon

Find the Fundraising Hub. It’s a new and exciting way to grow your Avon business. You connect with your community. Now reach out to new customers. Make more money for your business. and boost potential sales and earnings.

Look at all the goodness. Partner with a local organization to sell AVON products. Donate a portion of the earnings on the sale. Plus increase your Award sales and earnings level. Expand networking opportunities for new customers. There you find potential recruits.

WIN-WIN It’s completely Free. It’s not necessary to purchase inventory. You earn the commission on the sales.

Find The Partner, Reach Out, Get Details

The organization participants will sell Avon products. You donate a portion of the earnings back to the organization.

Know your earnings level and decide the percentage of profits to give the organization.

Avon has resources in a step-by-step guide. Work with the person to set the start and end dates. Find out what they need and the dollar goal.

Ready to become an Avon Representative

Here’s a link for you to look at the Avon Opportunity. I know you will love it.