In loving memory of my dear father, the greatest gift I ever had. Dad came from God So say not in grief ” he is no more, but in thankfulness that he was.” In tribute to my Father, may each tear and each fond memory be a note of love rising to meet you.
Missing Dad Quotes
My father’s love will never end until the end of time. My sad heart must deal with the death of my dad for the rest of my life. I miss my father and hope these quotes and messages are what I need.
I Miss You Dad- I Wish You Were Here
It hurts to think that you are not here anymore. My smile with tears in my eyes of how we cherished each and every moment of our lives together when you were alive. I miss you, dad. I miss your warm and loving hugs.. Just one las chance I wish I could get to hug you tight and never let you go.
Dad you taught me to be strong but sorry I am letting you down. I can never be strong enough to accept that you are no longer here. I miss you. Your death will always be a blurry memory. But your life will always be a vivid one of greatness and sacrifice. You are safe in my heart and with me in every way.
There’s an empty spot in the chair next to mom’s, and a silent garage on a Sunday morning, you are missed in every way dad.
Talking to your gravestone and hugging your photographs help to convince myself that you are still here. The painful memories of your death, I will never be able to put to rest.
Happy Birthday Dad, I wish I could hear your voice again. To my father, “separated by death, together by love.” Miss you. I whisper “I miss you” and believe you can still hear me. No matter how many years go by, the pain of your death never diminishes. I miss you so much.
Thinking about our times together, your wisdom, love guidance and everything. I didn’t know that life could be this empty without you. Life must go on daddy, but I will never forget you. I love and miss you so much. Daddy, even though you are gone, your memories will forever be precious. The blessing is that you are still alive in us. We miss you so much and want to tell you that we love you so much.
The saddest day of my life was when you passed away daddy. Who can ever love us like you did? Who can ever take your place? We miss you so much. No one knows the day they will die, but it comes eventually. The ones left behind are in so much pain. Daddy, the pain is made easier by knowing your suffering is over. I still miss you all the same.
In everything I find myself doing in life, I remember the wonderful moments I spent with you and am motivated to do better, I miss you, daddy. Evergreen Funeral Home.
In loving memory of my dear father.

In loving memory of my dear father, I thank Parkland Baptist Church for helping dad and mom keep it together. Dad helped the missionaries and loved it. They helped my small family keep together and prayed for everybody to come to Christ. Believe in Jesus before it’s too late.
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