Avon Anniversary Maui Trip

Last year, before the turn of March, I had won the Maui trip that included an all-expense-paid vacation and bring a friend. I had studied for weeks with a sales course instructor, tracked for Maui at a group meeting and wore a lei at Rep Fest that summer. That’s how I justified my huge sales increase, so excited about all that was going on. I followed the Avon way at the same time, met others doing the same, and that’s how I earned the Avon incentive trip.

That was my trip and a miss on the trip for Jamaica that I had tried for on my own. I believed that I could earn the trip, however, I missed communication for our new company LG about the trip. It was too late to make up for the correction. It was too late to fix the problem in one day. That’s why I am going to repeat that’s how to earn Avon incentive trips.

It’s my guess that the trips are achievable since they are based on the sales score of individual Avon representatives. Avon outlines the opportunity for you to understand what you need to do, make a plan and put the plan in action. It’s possible to earn these trips, and I want to earn the next trip, a cruise. My sales level is still high, so it’s like being “out on a limb” with the plan to earn the Avon incentive trip.

Top Beauty Tips for Earning Avon Incentives

Section A

Start planning to earn a trip as soon as you start selling. That’s easy for me to say since I have retired from another job, and have all the time in the world. Get your business in shape, and wait for the announcement of the next trip. Earn an Avon incentive trip with both a sales incentive or leadership in team sales incentive. There may be a combination of an increased customer list and more sales, or there could be an emphasis on the Avon opportunity and team building to earn Avon incentives of a trip and rewards too.

Section B

Avon will announce the incentive trips and how to earn an Avon incentive trip. Start working right away for points on the graph, or watch the sales increase. There usually will be some effort on your part to earn the Avon incentive trip, so read and study the guide until it makes sense. Avon will also have virtual sales meetings and beyond for details that are for everybody. You will also get a private notification from Avon about how much sales effort you need to earn the incentive trip.

Section C

I have always prayed that my Avon business would be good. I ask God to help me to understand, and He has. Tell as many people as possible that you want to go on the trip, and say that you will EARN the trip with Avon. You can get new customers, grow your sales and earnings every campaign. Everything that you do will help your business in a positive way. and increase your earnings. All your efforts will be worth it as you earn an Avon incentive trip.

So amazing a trip to Maui with my favorite Avon team members, on my bucket list forever. The trip was excellent, and everything went just right to Thank you Avon, Aloha Avon until we meet again.