The coronavirus shut down has forced history to changes the way of Easter celebration. Religious institutions have Easter cancelled or are moving services online. There are many risks to coronavirus. Easter’s the most important day for Christians on Sunday, April 12, 2020, Above all they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

President Trump extends the guidelines to April 30th to stay home. He said the US death rate peaks in 2 weeks from coronavirus. He also said, ” Nothing would be worse to declare victory before victory was won.” Follow the CDC guidelines and slow the spread of coronavirus.

Easter cancelled in Washington DC for the annual Easter Egg Roll. State and local officials follow CDC guidelines helps protect the health and wellbeing of everyone.

Stay Home Save Lives The way you win with social distancing. There’s no vaccine for COVID-19 now. You can protect yourself and prevent spreading the virus to others.

  • HANDS Wash them often
  • ELBOW Cough into it
  • FACE Don’t touch it
  • SPACE Keep a safe distance
  • HOME Stay if you can

Religious Festivals Cancel

Certain events for important religious festivals could be cancelled in the coming weeks. Most of the world’s major religious festivals have large gatherings of people. Firstly, the traditional mass to celebrate Easter at the Basilica in Rome, along with the Pope’s blessing in St Peter’s Square is seriously in doubt.

Secondly, Ramadan, prayers have been suspended in the Middle East. And Saudi Arabia banned overseas visitors from pilgrimage to the holy site of Mecca.

Southeast Christian Church promotes EASTER services at each of the 9 campuses. The dates are from April 10- April 12. Services are successful online. The past 2-weekend services were broadcast online.

Southeast Christian Church’s an evangelical megachurch of Christian churches based in Louisville, KY. The seventh-largest church in the United States has Kyle Idleman who now leads role as senior pastor.

Hope you always feel His love shining in your life.
A celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection