Death brings the worst in the family. Losing a loved one is difficult to deal with. Coping with grief in final arrangements brings out the worst in a family. My emotions elevated and strain because of death. Financial and end of life planning takes place

Dad’s Death Was A Stressor

Euro Pompon Thanksgiving Day

Before Death

In the hospital was the most ridiculous experience that I have ever been through. It seemed that there was no straight & narrow in the medical or the family. Unable to change the circumstance. I was in a hospital nightmare that ignored me.

So it was not happy camping for me. I look for help from different sources to answer my questions. I have found the Human Development Company help to have saved my life. They are coaching me even as December approaches.

A family that loses the patriarch or the matriarch seems ready to point fingers and lay blame on the next person. Rarely does one look within to see how they contributed to the family’s issues or problems. The siblings have no one to mediate the underlying issues that remain unresolved.

Tips For Reducing Family Disagreements After Death

My Dad and Mom did the very best to ensure that aspects of their life, estate, and death planned out. But others try to interpret your final decisions in a way that may not be best for you. My family is Baptist. They are good people and love to help and serve others all their life. They planned their own funeral that was easy to understand.

Their plans were the best. The arrangements were good. I could not believe the family tensions and disagreements that came up even so. They guided us with their last wishes. Yet some wanted to disagree. Absolutely the death of a loved one is an example of life stressors.,.All generations report high stress. That includes the Boomers, and Matures (67 years and older). Stress has increased for a large number of Americans, not counting age.

On Thanksgiving Day I shared a Thanksgiving meal with my Mother. We miss Dad. We talked of last year when we were all together at peace. So as Dad always said over the beaucoup Thanksgiving meals with relatives and family, Franena, Let’s go home. It was a great feeling to have to spend the finest hours ever and go home.