Death anniversary for dad just started today with 2 months. Today’s I feel so sad and filled with grief. Learning to live with pain from his loss, but new grief feels hard to handle. It’s my opportunity to celebrate his life and legacy. Someday soon, I will make reflections on how my grief has changed over the year.

Quotes For Dad

Hearing others speak from the heart about my father’s passing becomes transformative. I now reflect upon my own relationship with my late father. Also, reflecting on the impact of time passing on my grief.

  • “A father’s love is forever imprinted on his child’s heart.” – Jennifer Williamson author
  • The anniversary date of his death is significant. I will have done something that seems impossible from now. If I can survive an entire year without someone who was most important in life.
  • “A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies, it brings us together again and again.” – Maya Angelou Poet
  • “In your life, you touched so many, in your death many lives were changed.” Melinda Jones, Author
  • “Say not in grief he is no more, but in thankfulness that he was” -Hebrew Proverb
  • “Deeply I know this, that love triumphs over death. My father continues to be loved and therefore he mains by my side.” Jennifer Williamson Author
  • The sands of time will never wash away the love that I have for you. Your sweet memory will remain forever in my heart.” Louise Hay, author

Attending Funerals

For the past 5 years, dad , mom and myself went to as many of the people who passed away and had funerals. We knew them, and many were close friends and family to us. My dad’s death was too sudden. It takes time to cry, and share those tears around home also.

Dealing with disturbed sleep, loss of appetite and fatigue, anxiety are symptoms when brain function takes a hit, you are overwhelmed with grief, the environment seen in a different way than when content. Here are ways to feel more peaceful as you find the new normal.

Practice self-care. Your world’s falling apart, so important to focus on yourself. Eat well, exercise, and sleep to recuperate from grief

Take a time out. Take time off from work and daily responsibilities to process grief. There’s no set timeline when to get back in the game.

Loved One for the holiday

Challenge negative thought patterns. Sharing memories is as healthy as thinking about our loss. But thinking about the situations tied to that loss. Looks like a rabbit hole of negative self-talk- maybe I should have said something, maybe I should have done something, maybe it’s my fault. Choose to delight in your happy memories.

Get Support- To think straight and get back to your daily activities get help. As in my case brief individual counseling beneficial struggling to complete normal activities and interact with loved ones.

Search for the silver lining. Grief evolves into maladaptive thinking. Learn to reframe situations to focus on the positive. So then you can move forward with more peace.

Death anniversary not imagined

Death anniversary for dad is altogether different than he could have imagined. The Evergreen, Dignity Memorial was kind and helpful. I am happy with the way the visitation and service were for dad. I am very proud of the way that dad handled the entire dying event.

“Because I could not stop for death” Emily Dickinson