Russia’s invasion brings a certain frightening crisis to Ukraine. This military conflict brings attention to Europe, not since the Second World War. The attention of the world ponders such aggression. Currently, the USIP provides policies to help democracy and diplomacy.
Trajedy Begins
One week of Russia’s war on Ukraine civilians join their soldiers to resist Russian armor. Here’s a clear message for Russia. Vladimir Putin engages in an ” unproven and unjust war.” These are lies about Ukraine, Russia, and history. He wants to dominate as a modern-day Russian Emporer.
The tragedy for Ukraine and the world to prepare for violence and increase of risks.
Helping In Jesus Name
Samartarians Purse responds now to a dangerous crisis. They have teams on the ground to help those fleeing their country. The emergency field hospital was set up on March 4th in Poland. The disaster team includes doctors, nurses, logistics, and set up personnel. The field hospital transports overland to Ukraine. It’s to provides special trauma care for people impacted.
Franklin Graham’s statement follows. “We want to meet the needs of these families in their darkest moments. We point them to the light and hope of Jesus Christ.”
It’s nice to believe that God can stop the war soon. The Samaritan’s Purse responds at a moment’s notice for disasters. There will be local churches and communities looking for ways to help them. How to make the world a better place as a world safe and free. GIVE here response to the Crisis in Ukraine.

Ukraine wins the information war against Russia.
- They are winning the war for hearts and minds. Soldiers and civilians fight back against Russian forces.
- This early victory has advantages. That’s stronger support from countires with sympathy for the cause.
- Russia’s information battles seems very different. It struggles to quell opposition at home.
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