My recent flight from Hawaii to Los Angeles reveals a city under the clouds. It was night and nothing but clouds as time brought us closer to landing. How can anybody see? My window seat however gave me the best opportunity in those moments. Just below the clouds, there’s a city under the clouds. Just peeps of a bright city and more clouds.

Oh, how beautiful these lights were this dark night. The date was March 27 and the spaces to see the city lights became more frequent. An amazing and beautiful city we could see, not the Pacific Ocean though. I thought at that moment “Los Angeles is the City of Lights”.

Streetlights Of Los Angeles

Los Angeles is not well known for its streetlights. They have the most streetlights around 220,000. LA is the best lit major city in the United States. There are miles of dark patches. No unlit streets in Motor City. There are more than 400 different types of lamps scattered over nearly 470 square miles. LA is one of the most diverse streetlight ecosystems in the country.

Thank you Los Angeles for such a beautiful well-lighted city. My life will never be the same since the gaze from my American flight home to Kentucky.

The City of Light is known as Paris. That’s the first European city to adopt street lighting. The nickname came from the Age of Enlightenment.

For now, the city under the clouds became reality because the lights were so beautiful in the dark on a fast-moving Jet.