Posts filed under: Summer

Summer To Fall Beauty

A few transitional tips to take you from summer to fall beauty. Starting with your skincare, think moisturize. The skin does change seasonally. Just like trading in summer flip-flops to boots in the fall. you need to modify the skin care routine and products. Pair Vitamin C with sunscreen will...

Virtual Event 2023

The virtual event 2023 conferences in the USA are mostly in Los Angeles and Washington District of Columbia (DC). Virtual events are here to stay. Avon’s average attendance is pretty high, like 5000 or more. You have to be an Avon Representative to register. There’s an opportunity to pay with...

Summer Beauty Trends

Summer beauty trends key words effortless beauty. It’s glowing from the inside out. The aloe vera plant makes for a good start at getting the summer glow. There’s aloe in Avon beauty products. start with the Veilment Care Lip Balm Aloe, $.99. belif The True Cream Aqua Bomb Aloe Here”s...