How to share Avon

Build your team by starting a new adventure with Avon. The best way to share the benefits from Avon. Show people what’s in it for them.

Sponsor Bonus Sell $50 campaign and earn 3% as sponsoring bonus. Your earning potential grows as you build a strong team. You and your representatives place orders and earn with rewards. Read more from Team Building With Avon.

Earn incentives, rewards, and more. If someone is interested in coming part of your team because of the fun with a friend. Free to join, $0. A free gift with any amount order from order. $60 orders get $10 credit for the next order and 135 lip balms. Also, you get these lip balms as there mentor.

Words to Use

Hi, How are you doing? Hope all is well. I wanted to reach out to you as you may not know. I am with a great company that empowers others to make extra money. Have a home-based business centered around wellness and beauty. I don’t know if that interests you or somebody that you know. I’ll be happy to share more info if you like. TEXT OR DM

Share with everyone that you sell Avon. Easy steps to share.

How to share in two easy ways

Share the Opportunity through your computer under Manage Business. Copy and paste to your favorite platform. Create a Facebook Post- Paste your link on the timeline. Use your own style on how to promote. Your Friend can create a registration on the form, that is direct to your store.

Your Mobile- Copy store and with your style paste the link on a platform. Become a representative form will be seen. This starts the process to become a representative.

Ready to share- look for the flyers and guides . Avon U, search tab type perks to becoming an Avon representative. Download, take a picture, and text it.

Start a Team anytime.

There has never been a better time than now to join Avon! Click here for the signup form from Avon. Use my code for mentor J Greenwood or name Joetta Greenwood. Contact me if you need help or assistance of any kind. The same form is in Become a Representative on the left side of the home page on my Avon store.