Why build a team with referrals? They generate high-quality leads compared to traditional marketing methods. A referral that becomes a customer stays with your business.

Your goal as a business owner is your strong influence. You can turn your connections into fans. People will speak proudly about their connection to you. They are active in sharing the opportunity you have to provide.

How Referrals Help Your Business?

  • Referral marketing helps scale your business.
  • Referrals can support your growth in advancing the leadership title.
  • They help you grow your sales to reach the next sales level.

Contacts are 5 contacts a day for 5 days a week. Referrals are 20% of the people who want to join. That’s 25 new business partners coaching to the $60 first order on AvonNow. That’s $1500 in sales in the first two campaigns. Business advances and leadership title is a referral to help grow your sales even to the next level.

How To Ask For Referrals?

Our customers and network are referrals. How about asking customers for people we can share the opportunity with? Your network is anyone in person or socially on digital media and social media.

How to incentivize customers and networks to give you referrals? Lip balms that everyone is getting. Samples are a way or discount your next order. Why build a team with referrals? You can have a beautiful lifestyle with Avon. Click here for Lifestyle With Avon.

Take Referral Process Further

  • Social Media- the new word of mouth Ask customers to put in an appreciation post for you. They are your advocates, cheerleaders. Hi Jane!
  • The QR Code- the new business card. Customers see your picture, bio and contact info and already to the store.
  • Utilize the web office/ groups- Add a group called referrals.
  • Teach your team.

What To Say to your referrals?

The introduction is about how you are connected and the reason for reaching out. Why join? On the phone, text, email, or method of communicating. Happy Friday Jane I got your referral from your friend Mary. She thought Avon would be a perfect fit for you to work from home. She heard you just had a baby and wanted to work from home.

Everything is more fun with a friend!

Click here to visit my Avon website. You can Become a representative with the Share the opportunity form.