Take stock of the different items below that are in your home You have Avon for your life. Keep stock of items as they need to be re-stocked. You can contact me. I will help you select the best products for you and your family. Start to Avon-ize your life with these products being sold from Avon.

Shopping List

Deoderant Bath Oil Bubble Bath Laundry Detergent

Toothpaste Shampoo & Conditioner Hand Soap Hand Lotion

Complexion Makeup Floss Anti-Bacterial Skin Care

Diffuser Mascara Wellness Supplements Body Lotion

Face Sleeping Mask Cleaning Products Bug Guard Repellent Foot Care

You can order these products on my online store. These items will be delivered to your door!

My Avon store is packed with daily essentials that everybody already uses.

Incentive Program for Destination Avon 2021

The Big Island in Hawaii is the trip of a lifetime! There’s an amazing adventure waiting for me, and for everybody that sells Avon. There’s lots of time until C26 at the end of the year to sell, sell, sell! The rewards will be so fantastic and make you happy.

5 days and 4nights at the Marriott Waikoloa Beach Resort and Spa.

Avon sponsored meals and events.

Round trip airfare on a major carrier from a gateway airport nearest recipient’s residence.

Exclusive Avon activities and experiences.

My sales goal’s pretty high, just under $70,000. That’s a trip for one. You can add on much more to win a trip for two. Every week I order Avon for my customers at Awesome Flea Market and Avon customers at home. We have a great time with Avon products. They are so beautiful and the average order has increased from $20 to $40.

The interesting fact about the Hawaii trip is that I earned the Hawaii trip to Maui in 2019. It was such a grand jump in my Avon sales that I qualified to bring a guest for free also. That was excellent for me, sharing with an Avon friend. Those days had so much meaning for me. That day April 6 my beautiful niece was married. I missed the wedding because Hawaii trips are not always available. Here’s the update I made for that trip.

Avon for your life includes beauty, skincare, fashion jewelry. Those everyday and essential items can help you win the game. I have made Rose Circle with Avon by selling Roll-On Deodorants for 5 years. I hope it happens this year, 2021 too. If you can support my Avon store , I would really appreciate you.