For more than 18 days, we have watched daily the risks of coronavirus. progress There it’s no surprise that a SARS-COV2 from kills people. This specific type of virus caused a new disease known as COVID-19. There’s no immunity. Everybody that comes into contact with coronavirus catches it.
80% of coronavirus cases do not go to the hospital. They treat symptoms at home. 20% goes to the hospital. 50% of hospital cases are admitted to ICU. 50% of ICU patients need a respirator. Those more at risk are COPD, sleep apnea, asthma, respiratory problem patients. There are many vulnerable populations. 3%die.
These are horrible weeks and bad numbers. Italy had 15,000 deaths in a month and 50,000 cases. Let’s look at how it kills you. You breathe a coronavirus droplet. That gets in one lung cell that dies, causing an inflammatory response. Air pockets bring in fluid and cause pneumonia.
Your lungs now fill up with fluid and there’s no oxygen exchange. You now have ARDS, Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome. The patient “tires out”. They are put on a ventilator. No oxygen causes organ failure like cardiac arrest, liver or kidney failure. 50% don’t make it. Please take this seriously.
The risks of Coronavirus long term are May, June, July with a high death toll in July. There are so many cases on by April 1. You do not die from the flu. You die from ARDS. Hospitals cannot keep up China is in first place with cases, Italy 2nd place, and the US in 3rd place. The US death rate of 1.3% and 1 million cases.
Lesson from Our Medical Family
Continue to follow the 6ft social distance rule. The coronavirus can be on surfaces for a few hours or even days. Handrails, shopping carts or shirts and jeans pass on with your touch. Someone sneezes on you or touches you. Do not touch your face, eyes, mouth, or nose. Wash your hands frequently because the soap kills the coronavirus.
Coronavirus causes lung issues. Coronavirus
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