Monthly Archives: May 2022

Best Father’s Day Gifts

Give the father figure in your life the best Father’s Day gifts. There are best gift ideas for every dad. Gifts are practical, memorable, and thoughtful. They are personalized and techie gifts for grooming and outdoor options. The LG TONE Free FP* Earbuds are selling fast at Avon for $139.99....

My Skincare Notes

My skincare notes are from a recent discussion on a new product Isa Knox Anew SOLAIRE. It starts with just knowing a few words to describe skin care and the sun. SPF Sun Protection Factor is SPF. It is a measure of how much solar energy (UV radiation) is required...

Four Best Avon Eye Creams

Wondering what the best eye cream is for you? The four best Avon eye creams are for wrinkles, puffiness, anti-aging, and bags My first independent sale with Avon was for three eye creams. It was amazing that I ordered those. Fortunately, I sold them very quickly to mothers of work...

Winning With Avon

Now that LG H&H owns Avon, representatives are getting thrills from all the fun with beauty products. More than that, they are winning with Avon from advanced sales for wireless technology. LG TONE Wireless Earbuds The LG TONE Wireless Earbuds in early April came out as a very exciting incentive....